On Friday, Mommy drove Caitlin to the dance studio to register her for class. Caitlin was pretty tired as we had just been to Mommy's doctor appointment and she didn't seem to interested at the dance studio. No one was dancing when we visited. Caitlin walked through the dance studio and in the room her class would be held in, but she still wasn't interested. The girl working at the studio to suggested to Mommy that she bring Caitlin by on Monday to see the classes in action and then Caitlin might be interested. Mommy drove away a little bummed, but hoped Caitlin was just too tired to care about dancing.
Fast forward to Sunday....Caitlin told Daddy at dinner that Mommy was taking her dance class and that she couldn't wait. Mommy knew Caitlin wasn't registered yet, but thought she should prepare for Caitlin wanting to take classes the moment we stepped foot in the studio.
This morning after breakfast, Mommy and Caitlin got ready for dance class. Mommy decided to dress Caitlin in her tutu just in case she wanted to take the class after seeing other little girls her age dancing. Caitlin all morning told Mommy she was so excited for dance class and couldn't wait because it was going to be fun! Mommy hoped that Caitlin would be able to start the class today knowing that Caitlin was excited. We arrived to the studio about ten minutes before the class started. Mommy asked the lady at the front desk if it was possible for Caitlin to start class today. The lady said, "Yes" and made Mommy and Caitlin very happy. Mommy then said, "We need to buy shoes. Is it possible to do that before class?" The lady told us it would be no problem. Caitlin sat perfectly on the chair and let the lady try on tap shoes until we found the right size. Then, it was time for class. Mommy couldn't believe our visit was turning into dance class! Woohoo! Mommy's dreams came true today as Caitlin walked into her first dance class. Mommy didn't dare leave home without the camera and flip camera so she spent the hour of class taking non stop photos and videos.
Today life came full circle as Mommy took her little girl to dance class just as Nana had taken Mommy to dance class 30 years ago. Mommy started at a dance studio called Fritchey's. The studio then became Danswest. The studio Mommy took Caitlin to is called Danswest. The owners are different, but they have trophies all over the studio and some were from when Mommy danced for them. As we walked out of the studio today, two of Mommy's dance teachers were teaching dance to the adults! What a wonderful dance day! Enjoy the photos and videos of our little dancer!
Showing off her new tap shoes to Mommy before class
Trying out her new tap shoes before class
Sitting patiently for class to start
Caitlin and her 3 new dancing buddies all standing on their piece of tape waiting for the teacher to tell them what to do
It's so fun for the girls to see themselves dancing in the big mirror
Putting their heels forward
Practicing with the teacher for putting her toe behind her
Standing on the blue line and ready to dance across the floor
Practicing sashays across the floor
After 1/2 hour of tap it was time for ballet fun!
Circle time!
Everyone point toes in the center of the circle
The teacher had everyone sit in a circle and whoever had the wand had the chance to dance around the circle. Caitlin loved dancing around the circle.
Smiling at Mommy in the doorway
More wand dancing
Almost done dancing around the circle
Being a helper and putting the wand away
Good classmates helping to calm down a friend who was upset during class
Practicing walking like ballerinas on tippy toes
At the end of class, Ms. Megan gave each girl a lollipop for being so good in class
Caitlin hugged and kissed Ms. Megan to thank her for a great class
Below are a few video clips from dance class today. Mommy could watch the videos over and over!
Stay tuned to see how our little dancer grows throughout the Summer!