Saturday, April 30, 2011

Date Night

Caitlin loves to call going to dinner with Uncle Paul and Grandpa a "date."  She loves to put on a dress and look pretty for her date.  Tonight we went to Guadalajara Grill for our date.  We had a yard sale this morning and we were ready for a yummy dinner.  Caitlin loved the mariachis that were singing throughout the restaurant.  They came to our table and played a song for Caitlin to dance to.  Afterwards, Caitlin tipped the mariachis and they told us they had another song to play for Caitlin.  The next song they played was It's a Small World!  Caitlin was beyond excited!  We didn't tell them to play it, somehow they just knew that was her all time favorite song.  What a fun date night for Caitlin.  After dinner we went to Best Buy to look at computers and walk off our yummy dinner!
It's easier to get places when Uncle Paul and Daddy carry you!

Dancing to the music

Nothing brightens her day more than mariachis singing It's a Small World

Monday, April 25, 2011

Our little money saver!

Caitlin has a growth chart that is also a bank.  It holds quarters and when filled to the top should have approximately $200 of quarters.  Today Caitlin's bank reached the top!  We took it to the bank and were a little surprised to find out the bank only holds $173 when filled to the top!  Caitlin was very proud to have her bank filled.  After we deposited the money in her account, she told Mommy that she needed more coinies to fill up her bank again.  This growth chart is a fun way to teach kids how to save money!
"Look at all my coinies"

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hoppy Easter!

Happy Easter Everyone!
We had a fun-filled day!  Our day began when we met Nana, Nina Nina Dia, G.G., Uncle Kenny, Aunt Stacie, Allison, Grammy Linda, and Grandpa Gary at church.  After church, we enjoyed Poppy's pancake breakfast at church.  Then, everyone came over to our house to see what the Easter Bunny had left and to hunt for Easter Eggs.  Caitlin and Allison were lucky as the Easter Bunny left many baskets for them at everyone's house.  The Easter Egg Hunt was a highlight of the morning.  Each girl had their own special hunting techniques.  Caitlin shook the eggs to listen for surprises inside, quickly put the eggs in her basket and then ran to find more eggs.  Allison would open each egg she found, take out the money, and then look for more eggs.  Uncle Kenny and Mommy made sure each girl had the same amount of goodies in the end!  After our the egg hunt, everyone went home to take naps and then came back to our house for a scrumptious dinner made by Poppy!  We had a wonderful day full of family and fun and hope everyone enjoyed their Easter day!  Enjoy the photos from our day.
Looking at what the Easter Bunny left at Grammy Linda's house

Allison checking out her new Princess wand

Checking out the basket that the Easter Bunny left at Caitlin's Nino's house

Playing in the tent with Nina Karen

Running out the back door to start hunting for eggs.  Allison dropped her basket to check out the basket that the Easter Bunny left in the backyard.

Some eggs were easier to find than others

While picking up one egg, Caitlin spotted the next egg to go for

Happy to shake the egg and hear "coinies" inside

Running to put the egg in her basket

Allison taking her time to look at the "coinies" she found inside the egg

Caitlin's basket is full

Lifting her basket to get the egg she found in the tree

How many eggs can Caitlin hold at one time?

Serious egg hunter

Mommy and Uncle Kenny making sure each girl gets the same amount of goodies after the egg hunt

Fun in the trampoline after the egg hunt

Allison sliding in her Easter dress

Our beautiful eggs we made yesterday

Mommy, Daddy, and Baby Hurley (Caitlin wasn't interested in pictures at the moment)

Mommy, Daddy, Caitlin, Nina Karen, and Nino Joe

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Egg Dying Time

Dozens of eggs + lots of coloring cups + 2 toddlers =

After eating yummy pizza, we cleared the table and prepared to dye the Easter Eggs.  Caitlin and Allison were ready to help!  We had dozens of eggs to color and the girls had a blast.  We often had cracked eggs, but who cares!
Caitlin didn't want to mess up her shirt so she started out shirtless, until Aunt Stacie let her wear one of her shirts.

Everyone took part in dying the Easter eggs

The girls learned how to carefully drop the eggs in the color cups

Caitlin liked dying the eggs and eating them too.  She even learned how to put a little salt on the eggs to add to the taste.
Eggs are yummy Daddy!

Caitlin learned to use tongs to get the eggs out of the coloring cups

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Another fun FAIR outing!

Since Uncle Paul, Uncle Kenny, and Allison didn't go to the fair with us last time, we decided to venture their again so they could join in on the fun!  Tonight was wristband night, but we knew we wouldn't be fighting the crowds for the big rides and thought that not too many people would be waiting in line for the kiddie rides.  The fair was definitely busy tonight, but the girls didn't care as they petted animals in the Petting Zoo, watched the Sea Lion show, rode a pony, and rode on the kiddie rides!  The girls had a blast and seeing their happy faces made our 2nd trip to the fair worth every minute!

First Stop - The Petting Zoo
Caitlin loves the little goats

Daddy feeding the goats while the llama looks on

Daddy feeding the llama who was quite tall

Caitlin liked feeding the goats the grass

It's important to always wash your hands after touching animals!

Next Stop - Pony Rides 
Holding hands while walking to the ponies

The girls getting ready to ride while their Daddies stand by their side

Hi Everyone!

Daddy and his princess on Tex

Next Stop- Dinner and the Sea Lion Show
After the pony rides, we ate dinner while waiting for the Sea Lion Show to start!  Can't believe we were watching sea lions in the desert!  
The sea lions showing off their tricks

The tricks made Caitlin and Uncle Paul laugh

Conga line with sea lions

Next Stop - Kiddie Rides 
 Hands up while riding the flying elephants

The pretty lights of the ferris wheel

Daddy and Caitlin getting ready to ride the ferris wheel

Woohoo!  Having fun on the ferris wheel!

Waiting to slide down the big slide.  Right after this photo Caitlin's little fingers got smushed where the metal fences meet.  That led to a slight melt down.

Getting ready to slide down


Let's go again!

That was fun!

Uncle Kenny and Allison had fun going down the slide too!

Next Stop - Snakes
Caitlin wanted to go see the snakes with Daddy, Uncle Paul, and Grandpa.  Mommy chose to stay outside and send Uncle Paul in with the camera. 
Looking closely at the big snakes

Last Stop - A few more rides 
Uncle Paul and Allison enjoying popcorn and her new dolphin for the pool

Mommy and Grandpa having fun

Uncle Kenny and Allison having fun on the flying elephants